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Dynamic Yet Original

Dynamic Originality right? Thoughts around the adjective "dynamic" communicates the possibilities of constant change either in activity or progress. The adjective can also be used to quality a person who is full of energy and new ideas. Consequently, the essence of being "original" as a person has been communicated overtime.  The rationale centers on being authentic, being natural, unadulterated, which suggests the chances of the obvious opposites such as being fake or a copy cat or unreal. Therefore, the idea lays emphasis on demonstrating a "commendable" level of authenticity as you champion your ideas and create value in any sphere of life.  However, the concept of dynamic originality at first seems like a contrast of ideas. How can one be original, yet dynamic or vice versa? How can I be authentic, primary with my ideas and intellectual properties, yet remain intentional about gravitating towards change? We live in a world that is driven by change(s);

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