Intrigues of Role Interdependence

Who will do the toast at the next staff gala? What colour should the lights be? Decisions like these may be a lot easier to handle and it does not really matter if one person shoulders the responsibility. Going into production and service delivery however, you may want to be more detailed. It is usual for persons at the front line who present the products and services of the organization to consumers to take up the entire pressure of customer mindedness. It appears the back office staff who do not interface with the consumers have no form of relationship with them whatsoever. But they relate with the front liners and indirectly influence the final output, so we can call the front staff the organization's internal customers. And you know the customer is King, right?
The truth is, persons at every level in the organization must be customercentric for the finished product to turn out in high standards. As much as fellow employees are not the consumers who buy the products and services, they represent that population in many ways. Keeping in mind that roles can be very interdependent, you will indirectly be dealing with many end users in your day to day activities.
It is therefore quite important even as a behind-the-scene staff, that you display best practices on the job and in your service to colleagues. You never know which customer's need you will end up satisfying, and excellently so too!


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