Generating Energy

I do not agree less with the Law of Energy Conservation which affirms that Energy itself cannot be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. 
Yes! Life is energy driven. All activities we engage in are driven by the energy; the kind we created with the combination of our internal systems.  Beyond the energy required to perform certain tasks, our internal energies determine the outcome of our lives. We generate either positive or negative energy in our minds through our thought processes, our feelings, and information we feed on regularly. Apparently, some people are aware of it more than others; however, the awareness and the unawareness is what makes us either masters or mediocre in its deployment.  Invariably, we consciously or unconsciously carry and release those energies into the atmosphere even as we interact with people, make decisions, and integrate in the environment. Have you ever experienced some form of unexplainable disconnection when you stepped into an unfamiliar environment? For some reason you feel uncomfortable and some form of anxiety begins to set in if it's not subjected. That uncomfortable vibe wasn't fueled by the physical appearance of the environment.
A certain form of energy has dominated the atmosphere and unfortunately, it doesn't align with the energy you carry within. Thus, there is a disconnect. When you come into an environment, your mental alertness to your environment will quickly do a default survey and feed you back with the "energy status" of the environment and leave you with the choice of either a fight or flight response. Our energies can be so intensive such that they gravitate us to our most dominant thoughts. Our thoughts and feelings become our tangible experience(s) because we have generated energies that forge our future.


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